Join The Millions Of Homeowners Who Own Their Homes Power

Free Consultation & No Obligations
Let Me Help You Start Saving

What I Do For Homeowners

Educating homeowners on owning solar involves providing information about the entire process, from understanding the technology to maintenance and maximizing benefits. Here's a list of what information I will help provide to you:

  1. Understanding Solar Technology

  2. Understanding Net Metering & Solar Programs

  3. Assessing Home's Energy Consumption

  4. Assessing Home's Solar Potential

  5. Assessing Home's Energy Efficiency

  6. Customized System Design and Sizing

  7. Financial Considerations and Options

  8. System Maintenance and Monitoring

  9. System Warranties and Lifespan

  10. System Integration with Smart Home Technology

  11. Project Timelines - Permitting and Approvals Process

  12. Post Install Service & Education

Rich Carrizzo

With 15 years working in the solar industry, I have assisted many homeowners in over 20 states on owning their home's power source with solar.In that time, I have also worked internally for electrical contractors & posses extensive knowledge of solar project management & how an EPC should & should not operate. I have worked with many different utilities & jurisdictions for application & permit processing.I take great pride in providing comprehensive information and support throughout the process so that homeowners can feel confident in their decision in owning solar and maximizing all the benefits of renewable energy for their homes.I always put my clients best interests first, and why I only work with a network of the top local contractors to ensure I am able to deliver multiple competitive proposals all in one sitting & the ability to compare quotes side by side in minutes. By offering multiple quotes in one sitting allows the homeowner to choose the best option with no pressure. This helps homeowners take control of their solar journey using a multi-quote system while I help provide insights on the best installers, components, and warranties in the industry.

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